Saturday 25 August 2007

If Scotland, why not Wales?

In 1707 the Union was imposed on Scotland because England regarded it as a strategic necessity in the circumstances of the time. In the very different conditions of today we are now free to make a new decision. Scotland has the potential to become one of the small independent countries of northern Europe which are among the most prosperous and civilised states in the world. The evidence leads to the conclusion that Scotland's best hope for the future lies in independence in Europe.
(from a book by Paul Scott)

The Scottish Government has set out in a very clear report, many actions which the SNP has carried out so far in government. Such as:
  • A smaller, more effective Ministerial team with 6 Cabinet Secretaries (including the First Minister) and 10 Ministers;
  • Established Council of Economic Advisers to provide independent advice to increase Scotland’s sustainable economic growth rate;
  • Agreement to abolish tolls of the Forth and Tay bridges
  • Continuation of A&E services at Ayr and Monklands hospitals
  • Legislation planned to end graduate endowment
    Publication of a white paper on independence and launch of national conversation
  • Funding for 300 extra teachers and 250 more teacher training places from August, to drive down class sizes in P1 to 3; a commitment to providing additional funding for a phased 50% increase in free nursery provision
  • Ongoing negotiations with Westminster on the transfer of responsibilities for firearms legislation to the Scottish Parliament to allow action on air weapons
  • Set up Saltire Award for innovation in industry to reward the best efforts to develop cutting edge renewable energy technology
  • Made a commitment to set a target of cutting emissions by 80% by 2050. We will be drafting a Climate Change Bill to take this forward
Once the Opposition and the media get used to such straightforward Government, they might actually be a little bit more positive than the grudging respect that has been paid of late. After all, they'll have another 1340 days of an SNP Government still to report about.

From blog "Tartan Hero"

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