Tuesday 21 August 2007

A Time for Reconciliation

Britain has for centuries had a policy of ‘Divide and Rule’. By turning neighbour against neighbour, friend against friend Britain succeeded in conquering half the world. Plaid Cymru and the advocates of independence for Wales have a very different agenda. Instead of the past centuries’ maxim of ‘Divide and Rule’ we prefer to ‘Welcome and Unite’ to create a better Wales. We prefer to invite all who have vision and wish to join us in the cause of honour, dignity, freedom and justice to support and vote for Plaid in order to make a difference. No matter what you call yourself, be it Welsh, Cymro, British, English, Scottish or any other appellation or method of labelling yourself, it is your support and your vote that counts, as well as your enthusiasm and concern for Wales and the communities across the nation. We are open to the world and fully intend to make our mark on the world’s stage, in the debating chambers of the European Union and the United Nations.

Despite the onslaught of the protagonists of Britain and the Union, the tide will not be turned back and we are being swept along in the surge towards self-determination and self-rule. It is not only a duty and a responsibility for us, but also an open invitation to all who espouse our aims to join the steady progress towards ultimate fulfilment and achievement as a nation. Plaid Cymru’s membership has increased by 10% since the May Election. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Heed the call.....


Anonymous said...

Find it odd that Plaid's membership has increased. After all, they have just shown that if you vote plaid you get Labour. What is the point of that?

Unknown said...

Not in the General Election you don't, and that is what we see on the near horizon!

Anonymous said...

Anyways Great site, Keep up the good work!