Sunday 3 April 2011

Why Wales Needs Plaid Cymru to Govern Wales

Harold Wilson said in his 1961 Labour Party Conference speech "The Labour Party is a moral crusade or it is nothing". It seems that the answer is that it is nothing.
Labour are the 'friends' who are never there when you need them. Labour was the friend that the people of Wales turned to for nearly a hundred years when faced with adversity. Through strikes, recession, the Thatcher years the people sought comfort from their natural political home.
But given the opportunity to implement real and lasting improvements to the lives of its loyal supporters, Labour has been the friend that offers warm words in opposition, but is never there when you really need them, when they actually have the power to deliver for you.
After 13 years in power The Labour Party is now back in its comfort zone, out of office at Westminster, enjoying what it loves to do best – attack the Tories. Why not? There is much to attack the Tories for when it comes to our public services and our economy. But do Labour have any real credibility when it comes to attacking the Tories on these issues?
The Labour Party are hoping that people will simply forget the terrible job they did in power at Westminster and the cuts they would have implemented had they not been kicked out by the electorate. Labour's recent history is marked by a series of  of opportunities wasted by Labour in government, the things they could have done, and were supposed to fight for, but never did. 

Where were Labour?  Sitting down for Wales.

Fair Funding for Wales

Labour had 13 years in power at Westminster and had the opportunity to address the issue of fair funding for Wales. We know that Wales is being under-funded by at least £300m a year and that current funding arrangements take no account of the needs of Wales.
When they were in power we were told by Labour Government Ministers that Wales was well funded. Now that they’re in opposition they’re attacking the ConDems for their failure to create a fair funding system.
Peter Hain: One of the many Labour politicians who sat down when Wales needed a strong voice.

This is pure hypocrisy. They had 13 years to secure greater justice for the communities they are supposed to represent and they failed.
Plaid Cymru has revealed that not a single member of the Labour Party in Wales raised the issue of fair funding for Wales with the Westminster Government.
 Peter Hain, as part of his relentless campaign of self-promotion, has tried to claim that Labour would have addressed the issue of fair funding following the election, had they stayed in power. If that was the case why did they not raise this issue in their coalition negotiations with the Liberal Democrats?
Why did Peter Hain while Secretary of State for Wales do nothing to advance the case for fair funding for our communities?
They couldn’t stand up for Wales in power, they couldn’t be bothered to stand up for Wales when they were trying to cling on to power. 

Comment : 
Who has let Wales down?

A succession of Secretaries of  State for Wales
Welsh M.P.s at the Westminster Parliament
The British unionist parties, Labour, Liberal & Conservative
The people of Wales who voted for them

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