Monday 7 September 2009

Welsh Cousins' Plight in Patagonia

REPORT f.a.o. all WELSH NEWS media:-

This week The Chubut Daily Jornada carried a story about a letter sent by Welsh Argentine Institutions to the British Ambassador in Buenos Aires (the ambassador, Shan Morgan, is a Welsh-speaker whose family come from Ceredigion!).
It concerns the Border Agency's refusal to allow two girls from Patagonia entry into the UK to improve their Welsh-language skills..
Perhaps if our people and politicians know that it's hot news out there they may do something over here to resolve the issue!
A (bad) translation is available.

Spanish link:

If you want to see this in English, click:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that Gareth Rodrigez isn't it boyo? Ha! ha!