Wednesday 17 November 2010

Parliament for Wales? Yes - yes - yes

Can you help Tomorrow's Wales in supporting a Yes Campaign?

The official campaign period for the referendum on greater powers for the Assemby is about to start. It's hoped that the Referendum Order will be approved by the Privy Council on the 15th December with the official campaign starting on the 16th December. 

In order to be ready amd prepared for this intensive campaign period Cymru
Yfory Tomorrow's Wales is praparing a database of volunteers for the Yes campaign. If you are ready to give practical help with the YES campaign would you be so kind as to reply to this email noting what you could do during the campaign:

Post Code:
Phone Number:
Mobile Number:

Leaflet distribution
Phone canvassing
Writing to the press:
Organising a meeting:

Thanking you for your support,

Elin Wyn |
Thank you for your continued interest in Tomorrow’s Wales. If you'd rather not receive our newsletter, write and type 'no thanks' in the Subject line.

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