Monday 23 August 2010

Safety Conscious Scotland

Scotland's streets safer under the SNP

The SNP in government have helped people feel safer in their communities according to the latest Scottish Household Survey.
The survey has recorded a record high percentage of people who think their  neighbourhood is a good or very good place to live and shows some of the  lowest ever levels of concern over anti-social behaviour alongside high  levels of neighbourhood safety.

Satisfaction with local public services such as schools, healthcare and transport is also up 5% on 2007/08.

Commenting on the survey SNP MSP for Livingston Angela Constance said:

“The SNP is committed to improving public services and building safer communities.

“This survey supports the achievements of the SNP in Government such as  putting over 1000 additional police on the streets, cutting crime rates to  the lowest level for 30 years and ensuring more people are locked up and  locked up for longer.  It is measures like this that are ensuring people  feel safe in their communities and that their communities are good places  to live.

“While these results show that while there is always more to be done, particularly in tackling rowdy behaviour by cracking down on alcohol and in our more deprived areas, we are making real progress across the country  in reducing anti-social behaviour, helping people feel safer on their  streets and delivering good quality public services."

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