Sunday 24 January 2010

The Conservative Government Time-bomb

It appears that nobody has commented on the constitutional time-bomb that awaits the advent of a Conservative government in Britain. The fact is that the majority of voters in England will elect a Conservative government in May, but this is far from the case in Scotland and Wales.

In Scotland the Conservatives are in the minority, with Labour and SNP parties fighting for dominance. A peek into the video broadcasts (BBC Democracy Live - see sidebar) of the proceedings in the Scottish Parliament will soon provide evidence that the SNP is wiping the floor with the Labour opposition.

In Wales, traditionally socialist, in character and politics, the situation is rather different, with the Tories making headway but as yet far from making a serious impact on the political complexion of the country. The Liberals are in danger of losing their seats in Ceredigion and Montgomeryshire and it is Plaid Cymru and Labour which represent the radical and progressive nature of Welsh politics.

Moving over to northern Ireland, there are two Unionist parties, one of which is in government with Sinn Fein. David Cameron, the PM in waiting it may be presumed, has come out in support of the Unionist party and has even suggested a fusion with the Conservatives of Britain. This stance is ill-advised to say the least and ignores the trend of opinion in the nations in which politics takes a very different line from the politics of England.

The government in the north of Ireland is pushing for policing powers to be devolved yet is facing opposition and obstruction from unionist circles. Wales is hampered by the slow and unworkable system of LCOs which involve Westminster's approval before laws passed by the Welsh Assembly are ratified. In Scotland the parliament is focused on the need for more powers for Scotland, with no interference in Scottish Affairs from the government in London.

David Cameron will soon discover that he has inherited a Britain that is no longer as united as it was before 1997 when Labour came into power. In fact, by introducing devolution, Labour unwittingly encouraged the process together with the unravelling of the constitution. Scotland is well on the road to independence. Ireland is an unfinished project and must eventually be united. Wales will assert its individuality as a separate nation - Cymru - and Cornwall is agitating for a similar status. These are matters which a Conservative government will need to deal with, certainly within a ten-year period in office, as the direction of politics in the British Isles diverges and evolves.


  1. Well, if the EU gets it way most of Ireland will form a single region, with Wales thrown in.

  2. And yet Mr Cameron told us that in the first Conservative government there would be no time for any constitutional changes.

    Clearly, and one can understand this, he feels that the bulk of his energies and time will be needed to clear up the financial mess that Labour has left, yet again.

    However a Tory government, elected by England, yet having power over what happens in Scotland and Wales and having to do very unpopular things, may make him think twice...

    It will be interesting.

    The forming of regions within the EU for administrative purposes is of little interest to anyone other than Daily Mail readers Kerdasi.

    Interestingly, for many UK functions Scotland has been joined as a region to northern England!!!!
