Sunday 23 March 2008

The First Welsh American

Calling All Welsh!
The Alabama Welsh Association are calling upon all Welsh Societies [individuals of Welsh heritage and/or those with Welsh history interest] around the world to help us. We are petitioning the Alabama Parks Department to restore the commemorative Prince Madoc plaque to it's location on Mobile Bay. It came to our attention a few weeks ago that the plaque was no longer in place but taken down and placed in storage. (more about this on our site at We currently have a online petition at All we ask is that you take a few moments of your time to sign the above petition in hopes of helping our cause.
A little about the plaque.
The Madoc story gained recognition in North America when in 1953, Washington D.C.- based Daughters of the American Revolution erected two plaques - one in Rhos-on-Sea, the other in Mobile, Ala. - commemorating Madoc's voyage.
The plaques read "In memory of Prince Madoc, a Welsh explorer, who landed on the shores of Mobile Bay in 1170 and left behind, with the Indians, the Welsh language."
We have a picture of the plaque on our web site,, if you would like to see it. As far as we know the one in Wales is still in place.
Thank you for your support and time!

1 comment:

  1. Alan, I don't see your name on the petition. Perhaps you should sign it yourself as you are encouraging others to do so:-)
