"The Nineteenth century saw a great Springtime of Nations as the revolutions of 1848 saw new countries created the length and breadth of Europe. In our world today we are now seeing our own Spring Awakening with people and cultures that have long been dormant and subdued asserting their right to exist, their right to dream." Adam Price MP
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Back on the Road to .......Lithuania
I have dismounted from my Latvian horse and have exchanged it for a Lithuanian steed, then pounded through the desolate wet countryside dotted with forests of spruce and birch to the Old Town of Vilnius, there to have accommodated myself in a local hostelry, naturally with internet access provided. I will now begin to acquaint myself with the attractions of this capital city, a quaint old town hemmed in by vast areas of featureless and uninspiring high rise apartment buildings - affordable housing?
I think those high rise places are the result of socialist "planning"